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India is the most populated country in the world with over 1 billion people. Despite the many ministries and Christian efforts to bring the gospel to India, it continues to be over 95% unreached. This is why Advance Worldwide is investing in two native-led church planting movements in this remarkable nation.
* Central and Southern India
We partner with a network of churches in a number of states with:
- Support of pastors and church planters to sustain their efforts in the field
- Bible access and literacy via solar-powered audio bibles and biblical discipleship
- Water wells near churches for building bridges with the community and being a source of blessing to their neighbors.
* Eastern India
We support a village church so they can engage in:
- Tutoring programs for children
- Food distribution at rail station
- Youth discipleship and local mission trips
At the same time we are providing pastoral covering and ministry development consulting for their leaders.
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